Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Seeds, Seeds Everywhere!

My very favorite seed supplier is Baker Creek. They sell mainly heirloom seeds which have always done very well for me here. They have a huge farm in Missouri where they grow out their crops, test new seeds they've found, and have fun events a couple times a year. They also have a Seed Bank in California and another on the east coast, Massachusetts I think, but don't quote me on that.

Their seed catalog is one of the most beautiful I've seen- full of gorgeous color pictures and wonderful descriptions of the fruits and vegetables. They describe taste, texture, ease of growth, etc. Some have little histories about where the seeds were first acquired, what country they came from and who they got them from. There are quotes from famous people about life in general. It's fun to search through and find those little morsels. Many of the pictures feature the owner's beautiful little girls as well as employees and their kids. They sell helpful resources, books, gardening tools, etc. The seeds are priced well and the best thing about them is that you can save seeds from what you grow and use them the next year and the next and the next! What a treat...it's the gift that keeps on giving for a lifetime!

Seed Saver Exchange also has a nice catalog. Tons of pictures and a HUGE selection of plant variety to choose from. They, too, are mainly heirloom seeds.

Both of these companies have made huge accomplishments in helping to save our seed diversity. Many of the seeds they now sell were, at one time, very near extinction. Some of the seeds were found in remote locations around the globe and nowhere else. But thanks to their efforts, endangered plants are now on the rebound and plants grown in tiny Amazon villages are now being grown around the world. It's a beautiful heritage they've created and are leaving for future generations.

You can order your own free catalogs from both places here:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Seed Savers Exchange

What companies put out your favorite seed/garden catalogs?

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